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Official Website of Author

The Gazebo


Don't Feed the Bears

Eight Points of the Compass

The Leader Coach

Clarion Blast

Don Levin's Newest Book
Available Now!
Clarion Blast.JPG

From the time I was a young boy I have been a voracious reader. Anyone who knows me knows the degree to which I love books. I love the adventure, the escape, the history, the provocation of thought and accompanying rush of possibility thinking.


I also find great comfort and security when I am in the middle of a good read, and a certain sense of loss and displacement between the end of the read and the start of the next.


As Thomas Jefferson shared with John Adams, "I cannot live without books; but fewer will suffice where amusement, and not use, is the only future object." Another quote that I have lived by is from Mark Twain who once said, "Good friends, good books, and a sleepy conscience: this is the ideal life."


I admire the imagination of some of today’s writers but at the same time often walk away after completing a book with the feeling that the author deprived of us just maybe another ten pages to really wrap things up, or was not disciplined and could have pared the book down by one hundred pages.


I think most people imagine that they “have a book in them” if they only had the requisite skill and discipline to write it. I was one of those people and then discovered the joy that comes with writing. It became my creative outlet and the means by which to capture inner thoughts to be shared with family and friends.


For years I have been known as a storyteller to those arounds me. Some say it with admiration and mirth in their voices, others with a roll of their eyes that instantly conveys, “heard it, been there, move on.” In any event, I write for my enjoyment and now evidently yours as well. It does not get any better than that in so far as I am concerned.


Thank you for reading, and sharing your comments and insights.


The Gazebo

The Code

The Leader Coach

Eight Points of the Compass

Knight's Code

Wisdom of the Diamond

Don't Feed the Bears

Broken Code

The Right Combination

Another Last Day

The Advocate

(Sequel to Another Last Day)

The Advocate

(Sequel to Another Last Day)

Another Last Day

The Healer

(Sequel to the Advocate)


Clarion Blast

Clarion Blast.JPG

The Path

(A Memoir of Discovered Path)

Blast of Trumpets

Coming Soon.jpg

Mom & Dad Leadership

Coming Soon
My Books

"I have to tell you how much I have loved reading The Gazebo. In all honesty, I have never been much of a reader--I know, I know...that must sound weird coming from a teacher. But it's true. This book, however, I haven't been able to put down. I love your approach to writing the book. The way you word things makes the book so powerful and suspenseful. I love reading the end and seeing the way you have truly touched so many lives. YOU have touched MINE!  I also want to let you know that I truly appreciate you taking the time to e-mail my class to answer their questions. That is another thing I love about the book--it is very kid friendly and easy for even a 4th grader to read, understand and learn from."



Elementary School Teacher


For any inquiries, please contact AuthorHouse


1663 Liberty Drive Bloomington, IN 47403

© 2017 by D. Jeffrey Levin Jr 

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